Media Tour of Construction Site

Local news media from Niverville and Steinbach were invited on site for a tour of facility and construction site. The school is scheduled to open in September 2019.


in: Events

Thoughtexchange Feedback

Dear Parents/Guardians,

First, we would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm “hello” and an official “welcome” to Niverville High School. We are thrilled to be embarking on this journey with you and look forward to making this an amazing school for your kids.

Next, getting to the heart of the matter, we want to thank you for participating in the recent Niverville Thought Exchange. It is evident from the level of participation that we have a caring and supportive community of parents heading to NHS. Overall, the Thought Exchange conversation included… READ MORE>

in: Announcement Principal

Vice Principal Appointed for Niverville High School

Hanover School Division Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Graham Sereda has been appointed as Vice Principal of the new Niverville High School. Opening September 2019, the school will serve 450 Grade 9-12 students.

Mr. Sereda has been a senior-years teacher at Niverville Collegiate Institute since 2010, and the Lead Teacher for the school’s Science Department since 2013. He is also a member of the school-based NCI Deeper Learning Team, serving in this role since 2016. Mr. Sereda will transition… Read More

in: Personnel